When it comes to writing, “one size fits all” doesn’t work. Customized content does.
I deliver copy in print or online in the following contexts and tone:
- commercial
- conversational
- academic
- journalistic
- literary
My editorial services include:
- Content Strategy
- Content Writing
- Optimized Site Structure
- Blogging
- Copywriting
- Copy Repositioning
- Substantive, Structural and Stylistic Editing
- Copy Editing and Proofing
- Ghostwriting
- Freelance Journalism
- Business Writing*
Remember: If you’re writing online, optimized search is the name of the game. That means value-based content worthy of a strong search position for your prospects, customers, partners and other stakeholders. But that’s not all. I recommend discussions in your professional communities, I tweet and follow influencers to both listen and participate in relevant conversation. I encourage you to include editorial through blogging and other social media platforms. These essential activities assist in highlighting your competitive advantages and key messages.
Debra is a skillful and experienced marketer and writer. I have referred several start-up clients to her for assistance with their marketing message and copy. As an entrepreneur herself, she understands their needs, style, and budget.
– Bob Chaet, Senior Executive Coach, Lee Hecht Harrison
*Business writing includes white papers, proposals, policy guides (branding, style, employee handbook), product descriptions (with HTML tagging), employee and other internal communications.
Care to learn more? Contact me.